He says that he got the video chip of Shinzo (the one that was cut off) and states he’ll get it analyzed to find out what the rest says. Tokita then rolls into the scene (literally) all beaten up because Inoue thought he was an intruder. Of course, Chisato was never really mad at them to begin with. Ahh those little idiots should’ve just gone to Chisato in the beginning. Chisato’s bodyguards return to the castle and bow down for forgiveness. They then overhear Tokita and Kyoko talking the treasure hidden away in the Trick Heart Castle, also how Tokita was mad over the fact that Shinzo didn’t pick him to succeed the company. Meanwhile, Chisato’s bodyguards & Heiji go to rescue Kokudo – who’s literally caged like an animal. 1000! It’s not a typo, trust me x] To start the Q & A, they must first put the bowl/helmet looking invention on Mirakurun 2.0. They are then given mother goal #8, a 1000 Q & A. “Saaa (no idea).” And you know when they complete a goal, out pops Kyoko to document it. They ask him what it is and all he can say is. Two days later, we see Tokita’s baka-minions still standing outside the Trick Heart Castle (talk about stamina and Fuu finally finishes the invention. Next we see our favorite family trying to finish off the mother goals and they left off with the invention they have to create. He decides to wait until Chisato’s contract is up within the week. Well Shinzo gets cut off and Tokita tells everyone to attack but changes his mind. Chisato, Fuu, Takeru, Sho, Masaru, Satoru, and Akira (go figure).

Anyway, the holographic Shinzo is being controlled by Inoue (thank you creepy maid ^^ ) and starts telling everyone, mainly Tokita, how he knew what Tokita was after and he can’t get it without the help of his 7 knights.

If any of you haven’t figured out that it’s a reference to Star Wars, sorry to say but you’re kinda slow. Tokita tells his army to attack and out of nowhere a hologram of Shinzo appears in the sky and it’s projected by Mirakurun 2.0. There are a lot of things I can say about this, but I won’t lol Apparently, she’s got nothing and they’re left with no weapons/plans to go against Tokita who’s sporting a wannabe pirate looking outfit with fruity glasses: Now that Chisato is back, they’re ready to fight and tell her to do what she has planned. So, remember where we left off? Well the Oh-so-cool family are taking a stand against Tokita & his minions. However, I do have many reasons – one of them being laziness x]