A box office smash, Anaconda went on to spawn a franchise, with one theatrical sequel, two made-for-cable sequels, and even a crossover with the Lake Placid giant killer crocodile movie franchise. There are moments things begin to look a bit lik a video game, but they're thankfully not too often. Surprisingly, the CGI special effects rendering the snake even still look pretty decent over 20 years later, which can't be said for many other monster movies from the same time period. From start to finish, Anaconda rarely takes itself seriously, with perhaps the funniest moment being Jon Voight winking after his character gets swallowed and spit back out by the snake. Long before Syfy all but cornered the market on the sub-genre, creature features like Anaconda used to hit theaters fairly regularly, and like Anaconda, quite a few of them were unabashed B-movies.

The 1997 creature feature horror flick Anaconda is the latest 1990s hit to get the remake treatment, and here's what we know about it so far.