The motor drains battery over the course of a full day. Don’t use vibration or haptic feedback – Both of these require a little vibration motor to turn on and cause vibration.It usually turns sync off, lowers your screen brightness and resolution, and some devices have battery modes that decrease CPU clock speeds for better battery savings. They generally hurt functionality, but improve battery life dramatically. Use battery saving modes on your phone – Most manufacturers include battery saving modes that apps simply can’t replicate.Those in a battery pinch can enable Airplane Mode and turn everything off. They drain battery if left on even when not in use. Turn off connections you’re not using – We’re talking stuff like Bluetooth, your WiFi radio, etc.This has an added benefit of using less data, a boon for those with limited data plans. The less often you’re on a cellular network, the better. Use WiFi whenever possible – Cellular connectivity generally drains battery faster than WiFi.Those who need to stretch their battery life may want to wait to play games until they are near a charger or at home. Don’t play games – Mobile games are notorious for their battery chugging capabilities.It doesn’t save a ton of battery, but it definitely helps a little bit. The fewer pixels your phone has on, the less energy your display uses. Thus, using blacked out themes, wallpapers, and other elements allow portions of the screen to remain off at all times.

OLED screens display black by shutting off individual pixels on the screen. Use black themes, wallpapers, etc on OLED screens – Samsung, Google (with the Pixel 2 XL and Pixel 3 XL), LG (with the V40 and G8), and some others use some kind of OLED, POLED, or AMOLED display.This is also the only battery saving trick that works on LCD screens. Your screen is usually the top source of battery drain. However, the lower your screen brightness is, the less energy your screen uses. Lower your screen brightness – This is sometimes unavoidable in certain situations like direct sunlight.Uninstall apps you don’t use – That way they don’t run in the background and consume battery life.Here are some quick, simple tricks that do actually work: Thankfully, there are some small tricks that improve battery life no matter what device you own. Thus, the really good battery saving apps are for root users only. Google is slowly closing the doors on Android when it comes to stuff like accessibility, developer tools, and the like.